Poppy Howell

BA (Hons) Fashion

Contributions by Photography by Bethany Smith, Zoe Thompson

DESERTED, Final Collection

Inspired by the Aral Sea, which has become a desert due to the fashion industry's impact on the environment. Made from materials such as leather from an old sofa, a discarded tent, hemp and cork.

  • Two female models in cream and salmon dresses, each made with recycled materials.
  • A female model in a cream and salmon dress, resembling a kimono, made with recycled materials.
  • Pencil Illustration of deep pink and salmon-coloured dresses, beside the dress patterns.
  • Pencil Illustration of four different dresses, each using different shades of pink, salmon and cream.
Meet the creative
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Poppy Howell

BA (Hons) Fashion

Graduated in 2019

Third year Fashion student with an interest in design and pattern cutting.

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