Charlotte-Louise Clarke

BArch (Hons) Architecture

A Green Thumb Transition Hub

A design idea that will improve the well-being of both young and old and bring the community together to improve their green thumbs. A project that shows a proposal for a transition hub located on the Brayford, Lincoln. Through site analysis and general research, I have created an appropriate and unique design to fit its location and purpose for its users.

  • Researching the site to choose a suitable activity for the Hub that the area does not provide Site Analysis
  • Once deciding on gardening as my main activity of my building I then had to research what was needed. Research for the Requirements for Chosen Activity
  • Looked at precedent studies to influence my design. Then began designing and adapting my ideas to com to a final idea that works. Exploring Ideas
  • After exploring many design ideas I have finalised my design and presented it through digital models and hand drawn sketches. Final Design
Meet the creative
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Charlotte-Louise Clarke

BArch (Hons) Architecture

Interested in sports and the gym. Very talented at art and enjoy drawing and making things. I enjoy going out and socialising with friends. Cooking and baking is a new hobby of mine.

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