Max O'Toole

BA (Hons) Media Production

Contributions by Kat Leveridge (Producer), Toby Lyles (Sound Operator), Jasmine Lloyd (Cinematographer), Shaaz Lalani (Lighting Assistant)

Beep | Short Film

For my 2nd year semester 2 project I had the role of director, editor and also the writer of the script, an interesting dynamic of having 3 quite important roles go to one person, but even with that i'm confident with the final product. When Aaron, a clean freak who has a problem with doing things five times, can't seem to find a certain beeping noise in his house.

Meet the creative
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Max O'Toole

BA (Hons) Media Production

Graduated in 2020

My passion for films and filmmaking goes as far back as when I could hold a camera, and since then my range of projects grew and grew exponentially.

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