Benjamin Terry

BArch (Hons) Architecture

Colonia Education Centre

The brief aims to provide social mobility to people living in the Colonias of the USA via an education centre. Colonias are semi-informal, slum like settlements which exist within the USA along the Mexico border, the living conditions are often poor and there is a lack of infrastructure. The building reflects the lifestyle and vernacular of Colonias.

  • Extracting architectural elements and materials of Colonias helped begin the process of design.
  • Compiling the extracted vernacular elements on site according to prior analysis enables the form and massing to take shape.
  • The finished building uses a variety of different structures.
  • This internal visual explores the interior of the lobby/reception area of the building. Light and textural qualities have been informed by the pre-existing rudimentary language of  the Colonia.
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Benjamin Terry

BArch (Hons) Architecture

Graduated in 2021
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