Laura Charlotte Bates

MA Fine Art

Deconstruction of Destruction

As a contemporary awareness raising artist, with a focus on addressing current worldwide issues such as domestic abuse, sexual coercion and addiction. I aim to create thought provoking, visually stimulating pieces, that allow insight and spark discussion into taboo subject matter delicately. My sole aim is to bring the private to public, whist creating a bond with the spectator.

  • Submerging in liquid alcohol highlights the action of transformation of function and subject object relation.
  • The artists authority in creating an immortal narrative, with an enhancement of creation whilst still respecting the past life.
  • Bringing the inside outside, the contents that were protected become the protector. A still object paralyzed, but drowning in a metaphorical state.
  • Natural destruction, sand is formed over time, time being the great destroyer.
Meet the creative
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Laura Charlotte Bates

MA Fine Art

Graduated in 2020

As a multidisciplinary conceptual artist working with mixed media, I use my work to challenge the boundaries of discomfort for myself and my audience.

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