Emma Jarvis

BA (Hons) Graphic Design

My Favourite Pieces

A few selections of work showcasing my use of illustration and layout in different forms.

  • Graphic Mapping. A visual graphic mapping explaining my food diary collated over a one month period.
  • Wearable Environment. A group of illustrations portraying the affects of microplastics on marine life, with a purpose of broadcasting through wearable tattoo's for children.
  • The Start - Design Bridge. Merging the Guardian's article on the passing of Desmond Tutu and the brand Tanqueray, to form special editions for those who passed in 2021.
  • Magazine. One page from a magazine project. The main genre was a creative magazine, and so the article links creativity with sustainability.
Meet the creative
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Emma Jarvis

BA (Hons) Graphic Design

Hi! I'm Emma and I love Graphics Design! One of my ultimate passions is illustration, and I always try and squeeze it into any of my projects, no matter how big or small.

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