James Perkin

BArch (Hons) Architecture

Reintroduction of Production in Sincil Bank

Situated just off Lincoln high street, Sincil Bank was constructed to house migrant workers coming into Lincoln to work in its many factories. In these production spaces workers from different backgrounds would engage with shared goal of production, this shared experience help to create the community spirit in Sincil Bank, one that has been lost with the loss of these production spaces.

  • Analysis of program and spatial qualities of one of these lost production space, the Stamp End Iron Works.
  • The proposal's floor plan looks to link production in the workshop spaces with art studios and a gallery space, allowing easy movement through the buildings for both people and exhibitions.
  • Cross-section of the two largest buildings; the Gallery space and Studio building.
  • Mindmap of structural methods and visualisations of the Studio and Gallery buildings.
Meet the creative
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James Perkin

BArch (Hons) Architecture

Graduated in 2020

Hi, I'm a enthusiastic, imaginative and driven third year architecture student looking for an exciting opportunity to continue my architectural education as a Part 1 Architectural Assistant.

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