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Comprehensive Design – An Urban Sanctuary
BArch (Hons) Architecture
The Pedagogical Facilitator – the future of the university?
Occupation Generation
A Middle Ground | Designing A Community For Remote Working
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – Bridge the Gap
The transition to adolescence for people with Autism.
Centre of Sound
Creating Sustainable Habitats for Bees in an Urban Context
The Collective Voice – Collective Opinions Against Diversity
Behind the Screen
Britain’s Forgotten Men
Motus Officium
Colonia Education Centre
Kensington and the Moss Factory
Hybrid Recycling Centre
East Side Story
Sustainable Urbanism: An awareness of hydrology and flooding
Arc1003m – Edge Conditions, Bridging the Land and Sea
Rebellion, a project combatting air pollution
Bridging the Gap
Makoko Market
Parasitic Extraction: Mining for Regeneration
Social Cohesion
Seoul; Multimedia Creative Studio and Exhibition Space.
Urban Metabolism: Rerouting the Construction Waste Cycle
The adaptable high street model
Rejuvenating condemned coastal communities
Children’s Museum in London
Reintroducing Nature Within The City
“Museum” of the Senses
Thought for Food
Hub + Satellite
Architecture – University of Lincoln
Reintroduction of Production in Sincil Bank
A ‘Renewall’ of the Bass Maltings, Sleaford
The Contemporary Terminal
Crossing over the Boundary into the 21st Century
The Collaboration House
The Self Sustaining Community
SINCIL BANK: A Generational Re-generation
The Unseen Context
An Architectural Response to Totalitarian Ideology
The Enabler
Reconnecting Sincil Bank
The Illusion of Normailty
Multi-generational Living to Combat Depression